Redloop exists to make world-class IT services accessible to smaller business and individuals who may only just be growing to a scale that requires dedicated IT support, or who may have abandoned the idea of IT support services as being too expensive in the past.
Most organisations today have a high degree of reliance on IT services for many aspects of their business, ranging from advertising and order processing to manufacturing and accounting. Downtime means lost productivity and revenue – so the real question is: CAN YOU REALLY AFFORD TO IGNORE YOUR IT SUPPORT NEEDS ?
Redloop Consulting’s typical client is a small-to-medium sized organisation with between 1 and 250 staff, working out of 1 to 3 sites clustered within a small geographical area. The client will probably have no formal internal IT function, but someone will be doing their best to implement and manage IT systems and services alongside their “proper” job. IT will probably not be a core element of their business and so IT expertise may be thin on the ground.
The client will be predominantly using IT services for normal business activities – email/web, Office productivity, broadband or leased line network, basis telephony needs, and may have one or two specialist applications or devices required for their core business. The client may be going though a period of expansion or be experiencing heavier reliance on their IT services than in the past and may be concerned that little formal structure for support exists today.
Does this sound like your business? If so, contact us today.